Top Ten Worst Things to Do in The US Virgin Islands

A free-for-all of unregulated opinions, reviews on TripAdvisor, Google, and Facebook can be a source of great information… or whatever it is that these people wrote.

Every week I’ll be helping you steer clear of the worst things to do in your favorite destinations, thanks to the incredible insight gleaned from travelers before you. You can trust the information here, it’s from the internet.

*Some places are mentioned more than once because of how awful they are.

(You can find the full list of worst places by following this link).

Welcome to the Top Ten Worst Things to Do in The US Virgin Islands

# 10. Lindquist Beach, St. Thomas

Confused on how ratings work. 1 star.

# 9. Salt River Bay National Historical Park, St. Croix

Wait, somebody tell me why you can’t go during a full moon? Werewolves? 1 Star.

National Historic Parks not your thing? Maybe you don't want to know the best things to do in the US Virgin Islands.

(See what’s fun with a Day in the Life with Virgin Islands Ecotours)

# 8. Magens Bay, St. Thomas

There is absolutely NO other activities you can do at a beach other than take a few photos. 1 star.

# 7. Drake’s Seat, St. Thomas

Was NOT associated with hiphop star Drake’s rear end. 1 star.

Maybe Drake knows the best things to do in the US Virgin Islands?

# 6. Extra Virgin Bistro, St. John

Disappointed that there were no virgins at Extra Virgin Bistro. 1 star.

# 5. Coki Beach, St. Thomas

God forbid locals should be at the beach. 1 star.

(Get a local like Spencer Witherington to show you the best of the VI)

# 4. 99 Steps, St. Thomas

There is no sign pointing to the disputed 99-130 steps, other than the sign pointing to the 99 steps. 2 Stars.

Maybe its 130 best things to do in the US Virgin Islands

# 3. Coki Beach, St. Thomas

“Everybody appeared to be having fun and a good time and it was just not our thing…” 1 Star.

(Want something to do? IslandBuddy can take you to all these places and more)

# 2. Magen’s Bay, St. Thomas

Hated by wives, approved by husbands. 1 star.

Not only one of the best things to do in the US Virgin Islands, but one of the best beaches ON EARTH

And the Worst Thing to Do in the US Virgin Islands is… The Entirety of St. Thomas

That’s it. Throw away the whole island. There’s nothing to do.

1/3 of the islands are not the best things to do in the US virgin islands.

(This isn’t the first time an entire island has been condemned)

The internet is a wild place.

Do you need to warn others about the worst things to do in your area? Send your submissions to

2 thoughts on “Top Ten Worst Things to Do in The US Virgin Islands

  • Reply Elizabeth Carlton at

    Even WORSE than locals is Mom’s of locals who are overly friendly and chat you up! Tree! I loved this post so much. Just read it out loud to my husband, howling with laughter. Also, there are no virgins on St John, especially not Extra virgins

  • Reply Rebecca at

    As a Virgin Island resident none of the people that left a comment should ever come back. If you going complain like a bitch, stay the fuck home. Ain’t no one ask for y’all to come. All y’all do is come and be nasty, rude, and spread germs (specifically during COVID). So stay y’all asses home and u won’t have a complaint.

    Sincerely a VI resident.

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